If your college has fees that you need to add to every offer (application or materials fees, for example), there is a feature in eBECAS that can help you automate this process: Required Fees.
With Required Fees, you can automatically add fees to the offer when a related program is added. You can set these fees to be included once per course (e.g. materials fee) or once per offer (e.g. application fee).
Let’s see how this works with an example:
You need to issue an offer for an application that has 2 courses. As your college charges an application fee (once per offer) and materials fees (once fixed fee per course), you will need to manually and individually add 5 items to the offer:
- One tuition item for each course.
- One materials fee item for each course.
- One application fee.
However, when you set up the required fees, you will reduce this task from 5 to 2 manual items: one item for each course as the other 3 items will be added automatically to the offer.
Feature Demo
See how to ‘Required Fees’ feature work in a real scenario: