In the complex landscape of managing a college, class numbers is a metric that stands out as a crucial factor for the success of an institution. Achieving the optimal students-per-class ratio is pivotal, marking the line between running a thriving educational institution and one that struggles to meet its financial objectives. This balance is key in defining not just the academic success, but also the financial viability of a college.
Effectively monitoring and responding proactively to class numbers data is a complex challenge, especially in the absence of suitable tools. This task requires easy access to accurate and up-to-date information and even though this data is easily accessible on eBECAS, we have expanded our suite of Power BI reports for those colleges that have embarked on the journey of advanced data analytics and reporting.
Note: If you’re not yet utilizing our Power BI integration for automated reporting and are looking to elevate your reporting capabilities, we encourage you to contact us for more information.
Language Class Numbers Report
The following is a basic example of a Power BI report that you can now create to monitor your Language Class Numbers.
With this report, you can monitor, for a time period:
- The number of students per level and class: With this information you can decide to open or merge classes for a specific level.
- The number of classes per level: With this information, you can forecast the amount of resources you will need.
- Student Average per class: With this metric, you can see if your class numbers are where you want/need them to be. You might need to open, merge or close some classes to achieve your goal. You can break down this metric by class and level.
Academic Class Numbers Report
Unlike Language Classes, Academic classes have a fix start and end date. In the example below, the report provides detailed insights into student numbers per subject and the corresponding classes for each subject. This information enables you to actively monitor and make informed decisions regarding class numbers. For instance, if the ratio of students per class is excessively high, it may be necessary to create additional classes. Conversely, if this ratio is too low, merging classes could be a strategic move to maximise your resources. In any scenario, the data you need to effectively manage class number is readily available at your fingertips.
Calculating the class numbers, particularly for language courses, requires significant compute resources. To ensure your reports do not timeout during the data refresh, it’s advised to limit the reporting period to no more than 8 weeks.
Access the Class Numbers Reports in Power BI
On our PBI connector, you will find the Language and Academic Language reports, under the Classes folder.